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Showing posts from December 2, 2021

What Will Happen to My Business Loan’s Interest Rate During a Recession?

The Definitive Guide to Veterans’ Business Loans

There may not be any single group in the United States better equipped to succeed in business than military veterans. To succeed in business requires discipline, focus, planning the ability to overcome adversity – all qualities that are inherent in veterans. But getting small business loans has its challenges even for this hardworking group, so … Continue reading "The Definitive Guide to Veterans’ Business Loans" The post The Definitive Guide to Veterans’ Business Loans published first on . source

How to Finance the Construction of Your New Business

Okay, so you’re ready to launch your new business. You have your business model set up, products and services in place, maybe even some staff that you’ve hired. There’s only one thing left to decide: Where are you going to set up shop? While leasing an existing location is always an option, if you’re interested … Continue reading "How to Finance the Construction of Your New Business" The post How to Finance the Construction of Your New Business published first on . source